Saturday, September 27, 2008

In regards to other blogs!

Ps. The other blogs that I am following (on my site it says that I am following them) are good sources of information about what life is like in St. Lucia, in addition to my own. Many times people write about an experience or a way of life in a way that is better described than my own blgos will do, or I just forget to write about it all together, so people PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the other's blogs as well! Time to finish laundry and pray it doesn't rain when they are outside on the line!


~Crazy/Beautiful~ said...

Hi Haley,I am a St. Lucian currently doing my masters as a Rotary scholar in Florida. I came across your blog and found it to be so interesting how we are having similar yet opposite experiences. Of course I am not nearly as good of a descriptive writer as you are but it's so intriguing to see an intensive account of my island from another's perspective! Good luck with your internship and other peace corps duties. Maybe we'll get to meet some day whether on US or Lucian we'll exchange stories over some piton. LOL!

Al Jewels said...

Wow,Hurah! Thanks for sharing. The essence of your blog reminds me of the incredible gratitude of human service as postulated / epitomized by the Kennedy Brothers (JFK & RFK). As I read your blog I got a bit teary as if rekindling their vision for the mission that you represent so ...eloquently.

Your words, and proactive service in St.Lucia embodies the message in their exemplary service / commitment to humanity.
You stated that your current role in human development maybe small and that over time it can be part of a real momentum of improvement...absolutely!

Your Northwest heritage is indicative of a strong Naturalist..the closest I have visited was Monterrey, Ca. The maritime museum is fabulous.

Your pics & descriptions of nature trips are authentic. As a primary school student (eons ago) I transitioned through every district on the island. Your description of the "scary" Barbonneau area is a delightful thrill. That you actually reached the Atlantic Coast in that Gilette has nothing on thost sharp edge razor grass blades. Your apt description of how the initial slice is never felt is so precise.
I never did get to do those extensive naturalist hikes but I did spend months of residential life in the main civic centers of these villages and towns you have so capably described.
I also applaud your placing the positive and forward thinking statements in the "brass section" while the familiar 3rd world social underpins were relegated to a muffled bassoon in your "social symphonic" commentary.
Expatriate Lucians like myself can be far more critical or tend to highlight the societal.. ills - deservedly so.
As an unyielding advocate of family function as the core of human civilization, It is historically proven that the collapse or moral decay of past societiess were preceded by the devaluation of the family unit. The value of relating within the respectful "Ying Yang" harmony prescribed by the Divine truth is known by all humans...but practicing it ..aaahh.. perhaps a discussion for a monsoon weekend :)
Nevertheless, even kindred spirits need to practice redundant security measures in the 3rd world

Be well and enjoy your adventurous treks that 'Simply Beautiful Helen o' de West" has to offer.
Here is one that may need some research since I did it back in the late '70's (Deruisseaux -Blanchard west to Fond St Jacques, Soufriere) the change in terrain is the subtle delight.
Finally, how did I come to your blog?
As a Social Science teacher in Brooklyn I was given a project on ( )I wanted my grades 3 to 5 students to collaborate with students from the old homeland (having lived there up to standard six).Unfortunately, the few St.Lucia Schools listed were secondary age students. My open web search took me to your blog and as I read ...I was so immersed in who and what you are about that my initial goal receded to the background. Again I thank you for sharing a well written balanced and visually succinct blog.
If you know of any class teachers who are willing to sign up for the very secure & designed for classroom communities colaborative projects please share the site address with them and a message to me ( )
They can list list under Country St lucia.
I also have Parental internet usage template that only need changing name of school / district /agency and project for sharing. Also student use of internet guidelines.

My blogs on Blogger are for gathering educational research that help with curriculum design, lesson plans etc. I kept them on private. If interested I can share them with you ..again they are just a compilation of social studies and related technology integration educational blogs. Here is my main communication portal at EPals:

Respectfuly, Al